Would lke for ERIC MARTIN to stay at NARP before the deal is sealed

ERIC MARTIN is suffering from a severe case of schizophrenia, along with bipolar, and depression. He is not good with change and ever since he has been told that he was going to be transferred and he is not aloud to attend groups, his sickness has gotten extremely worse. He is not doing well at all. His conditions has worsened, he is not good with change. This program has given him structure and something to wake up in the morning to look forward to. He has never been a problem, never missed a group, and always follows the rules. We are asking just this 1 time if you can please let ERIC back into your program, it will help his health and you wont be sorry, PLEASE?  We are asing the public to help us keep ERIC where he belongs by signing this petittion if you think ERIC should stay.

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