Get That “Other” George Out of Congress!

Hi, It's George Takei. Another George has been in the news lately. His name is George Santos, and he's a pathological liar just elected to Congress. I'm posting this petition because while there are very few things Democrats and Republicans can agree on, one of them should be that someone who has lied about everything in his life—his education, his jobs, his marriage, his finances, even being a college champion volleyball player, say what?—has no business being in Congress. 

When pressed by reporters, George Santos recently said, "If 142 people ask me to resign, I'll resign." So I'm thinking, let's hit him with tens of thousands demanding just that. Are you in?

I know we need two-thirds of Congress to agree, and that's a tall order in a narrowly divided House. But if we don't demand it, we'll never get it. So I'm asking not just Democrats but independents and Republicans to sign this petition, too. Take a stand against con artists and liars. Send George Santos back to New York, or even better, back to Brazil to face criminal charges for check fraud. Yeah, that's a thing, too.

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