Proposed Industrial Dairy for Maha’ulepu Valley Kauai, Hawaii by Hawaii Dairy Farms

Aloha Pam and Pierre Omidyar -

We, the undersigned, offer our signatures and fervently hope that you will abandon any plan for a dairy at Maha`ulepu, Kauai. The strong scientific evidence of water degradation, ground, surface, and ocean from dairies and the overall risk to the revered environment of Maha`ulepu far outweigh any potential benefit. While we support sustainable agriculture, the topography and natural drainage from Maha`ulepu Valley to the ocean will make it impossible to contain wet cow manure without further polluting the natural streams, ocean and environment at Maha`ulepu. Please reconsider your plan for Hawaii Dairy Farms at Maha`ulepu and find a more suitable location.

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