Save the wildlife in Taiwan

  • av: Cindy Lin
  • mottagare: President of Council of Agriculture, Chen Baoji. President of R.O.C.,Ma Ying-jeou

The Rabies Disease have disappeared in Taiwan for over than 50 years, until recently the Council of Agriculture announced that three dead ferret badgers were confirmed infected by Rabies Disease, they were soon be reported about hiding this information for 1 year. That is when the tragedy started. Since government is not willing to spread the correct information, rumors spread very fast. Wild animals are trapped, poisoned, beaten to death, pets are abandoned, adopting activities are forbidden. Although WHO and OIE had confirmed that trapping is useless, vaccine is the best policy, local governments still keep trapping. One of the local government even propose a ridiculous policy: TRAPPING WILD ANIMALS FOR EXCHANGING RICE!!! Hundreds of wild animals were sent to shelters. In Taiwan, wild animals will be killed if they stay at the shelter for over than 12 days. Protecting associations are suffering for rescue. This is severely violating animal rights. Please tell the government:DO NOT KILL INNOCENT ANIMALS.

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