All Who Oppose the Resort in Punaluʻu Ka'ū

Building a resort in Ka'ū, Hawaii may negatively affect the local environment and community. KA'Ū is known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse ecosystem, and the construction of a resort could lead to habitat destruction, and pollution. The planned resort also contains a Nesting site for the Federally and Internationally protected Endangered Hawksbill Turtle, Hawaiian Monk Seals as well as the Endangered Hawaiian Nene Geese .Additionally, it may put a strain on local resources and infrastructure, potentially causing disruptions to the way of life for residents. Furthermore, the influx of tourists that a resort would bring could lead to overcrowding and put additional pressure on the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Overall, the construction of a resort in Ka'ū may not be in the best interest of preserving the unique natural and cultural heritage of the region and the people that call this home

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