PIG DOGGING in Australia; this has to stop!

  • av: Merel Nahuijsen
  • mottagare: President and Members of the Legislative Council of NSW, Australia

"When your dog is swinging off a boar, there's no better feeling that you get. You can put me on any show ride and any Disneyland parks or whatever you got, but it won't give me the adrenalin that can. Nothing can." Hunter Ryan Berrigan

Once again, the farmers have a new game: it's called pig dogging. To stop wild boars from destrying their cane crops, farmers let their dogs hunt down the pigs. They are slowly mauled to death by a pack of dogs. Yes, it is possible to end a pig's life in a humane way! There are 'people' though who think it's a sport.


If this video makes you sick, please please sign this petition.

This has to end.

President and Members of the Legislative Council of NSW, your petitioners request that the House:

1. Abolish the Game Council of NSW; and

2. Legislate to permanently end recreational hunting on public land. 

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