Stop factory farming!

  • av: Maria Smith
  • mottagare: Creekside Farms and Kuku Farms, Weaver Brothers Egg Farm, Hudson Valley farms, House of Raeford Farms, Conklin Dairy Farms, Norco Ranch, Country View Family Farms, Puratone farms, Butterball farms, Bettencourt Dairies, Christensen Farms, Sparboe Farms, E6

97% of the 10 billion animals tortured and killed each year are farm animals. 

Approximately 250 cows are killed every hour at the typical beef slaughterhouse. Dairy cows live in crowded pens or barns with concrete floors. Milking machines often cut them and cause other injuries. Some give them electrical shocks which cause extreme pain and even death. Dairy cows are forced to produce 10 times more milk than they would produce in nature. Piglets' tails are cut off without anesthesia and geese are force-fed through tubes. Hens normally live 15 to 20 years. Layer hens are slaughtered when they are one to two years old. The list of abuse the farm animals go through is much longer and so please sign the petition to make this cruelty end!

Thank you so much for signing my petition! I would appreciate it if you could share this petition with your friends and family so we can send it to the factory farms all over the world to make them stop abusing their animals! With your help, we can help billions of farm animals!

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