Save the Beagles in the UK from a Government approved decision to do animal testing on the Beagles.

The UK has approved Animal testing to be done from a Beagle Farm.
It breaks my heart to hear that the UK Government would approve such a thing when clearly animal testing should be banished.
These Beagles could be a family pet but instead they arebraisingbthem on a farm to have animal testing done on them.
We do not test on children or the elderly ao why breed a certain dog to do amimal testing on.
It is just so cruel and can not even be justified.
Lets save the UK Beagles and put a end to animal testing.

Attention UK Government,

Please put a stop to your approval to do animal testing and especially animal testing on the beloved dog the beagle.

To have approved this means that you are okay with harming a animal and you are okay with animal cruelty.

I would like to believe that this was just a error in your judgement and see you do the right thing by over ruling that decision and make animal cruelty a crime in the UK.

These furry animals are living, breathing and beautiful animals who should not be treated so inhumanly by any person.

You can fix this and see that we the people who love and care for animals especially the beagle you approved this animal testing on will protest until this ruling is turned around.  

Would you allow someone to do testing on your child or the elderly in the UK?  No! So STOP and see what you are doing to these beagles.   Please!

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