Shut down Zoo America of Hershey Park PA

Zoo America is a tiny zoo located in Hershey Park of Hershey, PA. I have personally visited this zoo to find that the animals aren't happy, the enclosures are too small, and that they are not getting proper care. This ''zoo'' was founded souley for profit. Not to mention, it is in the middle of an amusement park. please sign this petiton to shut this zoo down, for all of the poor animals trapped there. 

Dear Governor Corbett, 

Zoo America of Hershey Park is a very small, inadequate ''Zoo" located in the middle of a very loud amusement park. This zoo needs to be shut down for the good of the animals. Many people, including I, agree that this zoo is not up to what it should be and it needs to be shut down for the welfare of the animals.

thank you for your time,

Brianna Dieter.

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