Oppose Right Wing Extremist Mike Pence as Trump's Pick for VP

Media outlets around the country are reporting that Donald Trump has selected the extremist, right-wing governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, to be the Republican vice presidential candidate.

Selecting Pence is another indicator that the party of Lincon has been hijacked by the Party of Trump.

  • As governor, Pence signed the "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" in 2015, which made it legal for Indiana businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals and families.
  • Earlier this year, he signed an anti-choice bill, which is one of the most extreme ever passed in the United States. It placed unparalleled restrictions on the rights of women to access health care. The legislation has recently been blocked by a federal judge.
  • During the 2012 election cycle, Pence compared the Supreme Court decision upholding the Obamacare exchange system to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He was forced to retract those comments.
  • Pence is highly unpopular in Indiana. He has been looking at a tough race for reelection for governor. By jumping onto the ticket with Trump, he is hoping to give his extreme, reactionary, conservative views a national audience.

We need to oppose and reject the Trumpence ticket!

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