Stop Letting Pet Stores Support Puppy Mill Cruelty

While animal advocates continue to work to find homes for thousands of adoptable animals waiting for forever families and raise awareness about puppy mills, commercial breeders continue to mass produce more and more to meet the demand for those adorable puppies and kittens we can't resist.

It's a vicious cycle leading to the senseless and tragic deaths of thousands of animals every year, but Pennsylvania could soon be the next state to step up to end it.

A bill making its way through the legislature would require pet stores to get dogs, cats and rabbits from shelters and rescues, and would require breeders to post their license number on all advertisements, which would allow consumers to do their homework and enforcement officials to identify unlicensed breeders. Additionally, it would close a loophole in the state's current law that allows people to sell animals in public places.

Supporters hope this legislation will help crack down on the notorious puppy mills operating in the U.S. by closing another market for the animals they produce who are sold in pet stores.

Not only will this help save the lives of animals in need of homes and reduce the demand for more from breeders, it will help protect consumers, and relieve taxpayers who are ultimately paying for shelters to house and kill animals.

If Pennsylvania passes this legislation, it would be the third state in the country, following Maryland and California, to take a compassionate and common-sense stand against puppy mills by banning pet store sales of dogs from commercial breeders.

Please sign and share this petition urging lawmakers in Pennsylvania to protect both animals and us by passing this legislation.

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