To Rename Hull Road Playing Fields

    We are asking the people of Withernsea to sign our petition to support our campaign to change the name of the Withernsea Hull Road Playing Fields Home of Withernsea AFC To The Frank Windas Memorial Football Ground . The reason we are campaigning is because Frank serve the club for for over 55 years in 2019 just after his sudden death he was awarded the FA Grassroots award for 50 years service . Frank was Withernsea AFC through and through . Frank played ,Coached, maintained the club house , put the nets up ,cleaned the field before and after games even made the teas he just loved his beloved club .his death was a massive shock to Withernsea and the Football community so we ask the people of Withernsea to sign our petition and get the field renamed to The Frank Windas Memorial Ground . Frank was a true local man of Withernsea lived in Withernsea all his life and was well known by the community. So renaming the field in his memory is a way of saying thankyou to him for his commitment .
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