Save Blondie, Lady Grey, and Bunny Girl's Cat Home from Destruction

Multi-home property owners want to tear down Blondie, Lady Grey, and Bunny Girl's night home, which has been lovingly decorated and has been their outdoor play yard for as long as they can remember, in order to plant tomatoes.  The play yard was abandoned for years until the kitties' proud mom, who owns a home on the shared lot, remodeled it with $700 in plants, landscaping, and pet accessories.  The kitties' home is unique, customized, and designed just for them, and the tomato growers have half an acre of other land readily available to plant tomatoes.  Will you help save the special outdoor home of three loving animals who were once abandoned in the streets as kittens?

Multi-home property owners want to tear down Blondie, Lady Grey, and Bunny Girl's night home, which has been lovingly decorated and has been their outdoor play yard for as long as they can remember, in order to plant tomatoes.  The play yard was abandoned for years until the kitties' proud mom, who owns a home on the shared lot, remodeled it with $700 in plants, landscaping, and pet accessories.  The kitties' home is unique, customized, and designed just for them, and the landlords have half an acre of other land readily available to plant tomatoes.  Will you help save the special outdoor home of three loving animals who were once abandoned in the streets as kittens?

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