We The People Of The Untited States Demand Constitutional Carry

  • av: Loren R
  • mottagare: All Representatives And Senators of the United States Congress

Petition to Exercise Our "Inalienable" Second Amendment Right To "Constitutional Carry" of Firearms - End Any And All Infringements / Permits Required By Any State That Has Not Already Adopted "Constitutional Carry Legislation Now.!

The Second Amendment Of The Bill Of Rights to The United States Constitution Is The ONLY Permit Required To Keep And Bear Arms By Law - Abiding Citizens Of The United States..!

WHEREAS: The right of the people to keep and bear arms is Protected by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; and

WHEREAS: This "Inalienable Right" Clearly Includes the Right To Carry Firearms without Infringements in Any State for Self - Defense; and

WHEREAS: Any State requiring law - abiding citizens to Beg for Government Permission before they can Exercise their Constitutional "Right To Bear Arms" is a Clear Violation of that Right; and

WHEREAS: Real-Life experience and extensive research clearly demonstrate that Restricting the Right To Bear Arms in Self - Defense only Encourages violent crime;

THEREFORE: I hereby Petition Congress and submit my signature in support for "Constitutional Carry" and the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to be the ONLY Permission Necessary to exercise my Constitutional Right to "Keep And Bear Arms... and I / We Urge lawmakers in both House and Sentate to follow the examples in Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, Kansas, Maine, and Idaho by adopting "Constitutional Carry" legislation allowing Law - Abiding Citizens to exercise their "Second Amendment" Right to Carry a firearm Without Government Interference..!

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