Urge Craig's List To END Animal Sales

  • av: Kevin B
  • mottagare: Craig's List

Craig's List specifically prohibits the sale of animals on it's site yet if you look at their site for almost ALL cities there are thousands of animals for sale on Craig's List. Animal shelters are overwhelmed with unwanted and homeless animals. Breeders exacerbate this situation by flooding communities with more and more puppies and kittens while taking no effort to have their animals altered. Pit bulls and chihuahua's are some of the most over-bred animals and animal shelters can't keep up with the constant introduction of more every month. In some regions, there are THOUSANDS of animals euthanized every MONTH because there are NOT enough adopters to take in all of these unwanted animals. Then you have the people that just drop animals off in distant neighborhoods or towns so the animal is no longer their problem. PLEASE sign and urge your friends to sign the petition to plead with Craig'sList to do more to end the sale of animals on their site. Until the shelters are empty and no longer euthanizing innocent animals more should be done to stop the uncontrolled pet population. Thank you!

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