Urge end's beginning of bullfight, in Portugal!

  • av: Fernando Chambel
  • mottagare: Presidente da República Portuguesa Prof. Aníbal Cavaco Silva, Primeiro-Ministro de Portugal Pedro Passos Coelho, Secretário de Estado da Cultura Jorge Barreto Xavier, Presidente da Assembleia da República Maria da Assunção Andrade Esteves

I am a portuguese and an european ashamed!
I am ashamed that a barbarity of these still exists in my country and be classified as tradition.
It is a show that is completely violent, ridiculous, unnecessary and more than out-of-time.
There are statistics to prove that the majority of the portuguese people is against bullfighting.
It's more than proven scientific fact that the bulls suffer greatly, and shows of this nature can influence, especially young ones, negatively.
It is not at all true that the bulls are aggressive nature:


We must evolve, these freak shows shall end.
Signing and sharing this petition, "make noise", help me, HELP THEM, HELP US!!!

Look this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhxDqY3ASUw



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