STOP culling to the million kangaroos to be food

  • av: grace y
  • mottagare: Australian government

Feeding contraceptives weaken fecundity

Kangaroo can be said to be the representative of Australia, but because of the excessive number of the Australian government intends to "handle" more than 1 million kangaroos this year. And an environmental ecology expert , is to encourage the use of eating "fragrant and delicious" kangaroo meat instead of beef.
According to the BBC Chinese website, the Australian government plans to culling more than 1 million kangaroos this year to protect endangered grassland and wild ecology. Prof. David Lindenmayer, professor of environmental ecology at the National University of Australia, says that while kangaroos are very cute and an important part of the ecosystem, a large number of kangaroos are destroying ecosystems. The natural enemies of the kangaroo can only be said to have been left after the natural enemies of the kangaroos, such as the "mainland thylacine" (Tasmanian tiger) and the Australian wild dogs.
Linden Meyer believes that Australia is particularly sensitive to the killing of kangaroos, because there are kangaroos on the emblem, coupled with even if necessary, but few politicians have the courage to shoot kangaroo action to commend. And every year the clean-up kangaroo action will lead to controversy.
The kangaroos who died in Australia will be made into dog food, or are sold in general, but 95% are exported to overseas. In this regard, their own love to eat kangaroo steak Lin Dengmeier that the Australians themselves do not eat very tender and very fragrant kangaroo meat, in fact, is a pity. If Australians use kangaroo meat to replace the beef will produce biogas pollution environment, but also to the soothing effect of the greenhouse to a certain extent.

Urgent ! Urgent ! Australian kangaroos need your saving petition, 

Please do not let kangaroos meat become the national diet of Australians or any other countries people

Please care and love this matter, please forward to your FB friends or twritter friends

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We appeal to contraceptives to reduce kangaroos breeding, instead of culling. Killing hunting

Kangaroos are is very gentle and peaceful unity and deep maternal animals on the earth

To prevent the Australian government from selling kangaroos meat as an Australian national diet as well ; No export kangaroo meat

Do not resist sightseeing tours

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