Stop Selling Rabbit Fur at Bloomingdale's and Macy's

  • av: Rabbit Advocacy Network
  • mottagare: Tony Spring, Chairman and CEO of Bloomingdales'; Terry J. Lundgren, Chairman, CEO and President of Macy's Inc

We are petitioning Bloomingdale's and its parent company Macy's to stop selling rabbit fur items. There is no humane way to kill an animal to sell her fur. We have the ability to make high quality faux fur items as both Bloomingdale's and Macy's already do, so why put profit and violence before ethics?

Millions of households have rabbits as beloved family members. We know that rabbits have strong social bonds with their family members, and that they feel love, fear, sadness and joy, just as we do. The rabbits killed by Bloomingdale's and Macy's for their fur are no different from the rabbits we have as companions.

Stop this violence towards these intelligent and sensitive beings. Stop killing rabbits.

Note: The Rabbit Advocacy Network does not condone violence towards any animal, but our advocacy focuses on rabbits.

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