National Registry of Animal Abusers

  • av: Ladonna C
  • mottagare: President Trump, Vice-President Pence, The Supreme Court, The Humane Society of America.

A National Registry will give law enforcement and animal welfare groups direct access to these violent offenders. Animal abuse is a predecessor to more violent crimes against humans.

It has been proven that Psychopath's, Serial killers, and other violent criminals were animal abusers and animal torturers before they advanced their crimes toward humans.

Animal abusers are very sick and disturbed individuals who should be monitored. Do you want one of these people living next to you? Do you feel that your children would be safe living next to one of these monsters? I hope not.

Animal Abuse is committed by persons with psychopathic disorders. These people are unable to feel Empathy or Sympathy. Law Enforcement must be able to keep track of these people at all times.

A National Registry will give All law enforcement officers direct access to these criminals. Animal abusers and killers will continue to abuse. This Registry will enable law enforcement and animal welfare groups to monitor where these predators are.

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