Make these monkeys ordeal the last.

In a small monkey 'centre' between Chang mai and mai rim in Thailand there is a disgusting and distressing 'monkey centre'. For your 200 thai baht you see approx ten monkeys of different shapes and sizes in ten small cages. Each one alone and very very clearly distressed. Some are also chained within the cage!! Some reach through the bars pleading with their eyes for some sort of contact, other sit in silent depression and others choke aggressively from their chains. The keepers taunt the monkeys and laugh at the horrified faces of visitors. One monkey is saved specially for petting and photograph oppurtunities. Lucky him. There is space on the site for at the very least much larger enclosures. These animals don't even have a twig to play with or chew on- the literally have nothing. Not even water in their cages. We knew when we planned to visit it would likely not be a pretty sight but the reality was unimaginable. How much would it take to close this place down?? These creatures will never be able to experience any kind of freedom from this hell of a life they know but could they be the last ones to experience it? Please please surely this is possible. Please.

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