A Woman Was Hoarding, Starving, and Neglecting 67 Dogs on Her Secluded Washington Property

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Mason County Authorities
Neighbors of a remote Washington property recently spotted a dog that was starving so badly, it couldn't even hold itself up. Authorities were called, and what they found was worse than they ever could've imagined.

67 malnourished dogs -- 8 of which were assessed to be in critical condition -- were suffering on a woman's property, hidden away from caring eyes.

Sign the petition to demand this woman never be allowed to own animals ever again!

The dozens of dogs were in terrible shape. They were locked in various cages and enclosures, many of them just skin and bones. One dog was even found with duct tape around its snout -- who knows how long it would have survived like that.

Among the suffering dogs, there were also two horses. One of them was already dead when authorities arrived.

While these dogs are finally in safe hands, we must make sure this woman isn't able to do this ever again. According to the Mason County Sheriff's Office, this abuser has been the subject of other animal cruelty investigations in other counties.

Obviously, she will not stop on her own -- she needs to be legally barred from owning innocent, defenseless animals ever again! Sign the petition to ask that the authorities in Mason County bar her from owning animals anywhere ever again!
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