Cancel Rabbit Killing Workshop

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Knotweed Urban Farm, Cornelius & Shauna Frantz/ Deppe

A local, urban organic vegetable farm, (Knotweed Urban Farm in Pennsylvania), has been breeeding rabbits on the farm property and plans to hold a "rabbit harvest" on Friday, September 28.

Children have been invited to watch the rabbit slaughter firsthand. Paula Jean of Knotweed Urban Farm confirmed that kids "need to know where their food comes from."

The idea that animals are somehow respected when they are killed apart from factory farming is no less a life stolen. It is never respectful to take another individual's life, whether it happens in a large scale or small scale operation.

A lesson in hands-on violence towards animals can only teach cruelty when we should be teaching compassion and empathy.

Urge the people of Knotweed Urban Farm to keep their focus on the cultivation of plants, and demand that they spare the lives of these rabbits and any other animals they’re planning to kill.


Knotweed Urban Farm
Phone: 412-496-3982

(Persons giving workshop)-
Cornelius & Shauna Frantz/ Deppe

A local, urban organic vegetable farm, (Knotweed Urban Farm in Pennsylvania), has been breeeding rabbits on the farm property and plans to hold a "rabbit harvest" on Friday, September 28.

Children have been invited to watch the rabbit slaughter firsthand. Paula Jean of Knotweed Urban Farm confirmed that kids "need to know where their food comes from."

The idea that animals are somehow respected when they are killed apart from factory farming is no less a life stolen. It is never respectful to take another individual's life, whether it happens in a large scale or small scale operation.

A lesson in hands-on violence towards animals can only teach cruelty when we should be teaching compassion and empathy.

Urge the people of Knotweed Urban Farm to keep their focus on the cultivation of plants, and demand that they spare the lives of these rabbits and any other animals they’re planning to kill.

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