Demand proper punishment for woman who stalked a duck to run it over with the car!!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: State of Florida Pinellas Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition worldwide to ensure woman who stalked a duck and ran it over with her car, intentionally, gets punished to the full extent of the law!!!

A woman in the Florida area, Karen Lindgren, 36 years of age had all intentions to commit animal cruelty of this duck.  Witnesses noted Ms. Lindgren offer candy to the duck, although it did not show interest.  She then proceeded to follow the duck before eventually running it over in the driveway of homeowner Natalie Paraskevopoulos, who called police after finding the animal. Ms. Lindgren was said to run over a lawn to hit the bird intentionally at a high rate of speed.

Paraskevopoulos  stated  that the bird was part of a familiar group of neighborhood ducks. “We raised them practically, ‘cause we’ve known them since they were ducklings," she said. "So, it was just really devastating because you become attached to these animals, almost like they’re your pets."

Ms. Lindgren is facing a charge of animal cruelty and should be punished to the full extent of the law.  The Florida Pinellas judicial system needs to crackdown with serious punishment for the actions against this duck.  The animal was not bothering anyone in the area; just going about its business.  The duck was actually part of a family group cared for from hatchlings by neighborhood residents. 

Please sign and share this petition worldwide to ensure woman who stalked a duck and ran it over with her car, intentionally, gets punished to the full extent of the law!!!

State of Florida Pinellas Judicial System – Please ensure that this woman is punished to the full extent of the law.  Witnesses prove that she lured and stalked this poor duck for no apparent reason!  The duck was not being obstinate or aggressive; just minding its own business when the woman chose to bribe it, follow it and kill it out of sheer pleasure!!  Lock this woman up and throw away the key!  Humans need to learn that animals deserve love and respect as well as other living beings!

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