Stop the animal abuse at Taj Mahal, India

  • av: Virve N. H:vik
  • mottagare: Government of Uttar Pradesh; Department of Tourism

Maltreated camels and horses is the miserable sight that "welcomes" visitors of the world-known monument of Taj Mahal, located in Agra (state of Uttar Pradesh), in India.

These animals are in acute need of sufficient veterinary care, food and water. Instead, they are forced to drag heavy carriages in the blazing sun, filled with anticipating spectators of Taj Mahal. The state of the animals used at the scene is pitiful, and visitors will find rib bones sticking out on both camels and horses, open wounds, and hooves in severely bad condition.

Please sign the petition in order to request the Government of Uttar Pradesh/Department of Tourism to put an end to the animal abuse taking place in the surroundings of the monument - without any further delay. Encourage them to refrain from the use of camels and horses (or any other animal), and instead use alternative transport of visitors of Taj Mahal.

Dear Sir,

I would like to express my deep concern about the animal abuse taking place at Taj Mahal, Agra, India. The camels and horses used for transport are in acute need of sufficient veterinary care and nutrition. Instead, they are forced to drag heavy carriages in the blazing sun, filled with anticipating spectators of Taj Mahal. The state of the animals used at the scene is pitiful, and visitors will find rib bones sticking out on both camels and horses, open wounds, and hooves in severely bad condition.

I urge you to immediately refrain from the use of camels and horses (or any other animal) at Taj Mahal, and instead use alternative transport of visitors to the monument. I request that you also take immediate action in order to make sure the animals currently at Taj Mahal are supplied proper veterinary care and nutrition.

Please put a definate end to this animal abuse - without any further delay. Thank you.

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