Save Animals of Magoffin County Ky from a Sadistic Animal Control Officer!!


Our understanding of a Dog Catcher is a person with a little compassion for animals..but this NOT the case in Magoffin County. This is a small town, everybody knows everybody, and everybody knows that Mr Caldwell mistreats the animals. Some don't seem to care, but most of the people will NOT speak up. When Mr Caldwell is caught in his CRUEL acts, He has been known to lie and has others to lie for him, this is why it is so hard to get rid of him. Enough is enough, it is time for animal lovers to ban together,and tell CHARLES "DOC" HARDIN--(County Judge Excutive) to fire Mr.Caldwell.

Link to a discussion on this concern on Topix Forum:

In March 2012, Mr Caldwell pulled out a gun in City Limits and shot a dog and it has been told by many that he has  "LIED" to explain his actions. Many from this area know this is not the first dog he has shot.

This man thinks hes above the Law .He also has NO reguard for life what so ever.

Enough is Enough,,Mr caldwell needs fired ASAP,,before more Inocent Animals loose their lives to the Magoffin County Dog Catcher a.k.a. DOG KILLER !

From: Andrew Scott: and this is Dr. Hardin's phone number, the man who ordered all strays be shot (606) 349-2313

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