Instagram, Protect User Mental Health

Instagram has just rolled out a feature where "Recommended" posts will now show up in users' main feed. This means that users will be inundated with a bunch of things they have not asked – and may not want – to see.

Instagram is already challenging if you're struggling with body image issues, this new change will make it even worse by forcing idealistic images onto us we didn't choose.

Please sign my petition if you want instagram to take this feature out of their platform immediately to help protect user mental health and wellbeing.

The explore tab is currently a place you can look on Instagram, but you don't have to. It is created with an algorithm that takes into account what your peers and those youa ssociate with on instagram are looking at.

Personally, I avoid this tab like the plague because it tends to have a lot of picturesque images and "fitspo" as some of my peers are looking at that. But I have found that filling my feed with those images is really not good for my mental health and body image. If Instagram starts to force those images on me, the platform will begin to be toxic. I honestly love instagram, but that's because I have carefully curated my feed to be things that are uplifting and positive for me. I understand they have to advertise to pay for their platform, but I don't see why they have to force the explore tab on us. 

If you've chosen to fill your feed with fitspo or lifestyle photos then it's no problem. But we are already inundated with advertising and perfect images everywhere that we didn't choose, for Instagram to force more of that on us is irresponsible.
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