Heirs of Anton Chico Land Grant Ask Lorenzo Flores to Cease and Desist

We the Heirs of the Anton Chico Land Grant are gathering signatures to Petition the Court for a Cease and Desist Order to stop Land Grant activist Lorenzo Flores and his organization Coalition Of the Eastern Slope of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains, hereafter referred to as CESSCM, from attempting to represent us, advocate for us, harass us, threaten, intimidate, spread misinformation about us or land grant business, slander or defame any heirs (including board of trustees members or candidates for the board of Trustees), or harm our interests in any way.

As a fellow heir of the land grant, please add your name to this petition if you agree that Mr. Flores and the CESSCM should stop interfering in Anton Chico Land Grant business.

Thank you!

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