Ask Congress to Establish a Mason Alert for Wandering Children

  • av: Angela Braun
  • mottagare: The United States Interagency Autism Cooridinating Committee

The leading cause of death for autistic children are wandering-related accidents, including drowning. Since 1 in 100 children are autistic and 92% of children with ASDs wander, we need a coordinated national alert system to help quickly and safely return wandering children and adults back home unharmed.

We, the undersigned, ask  that an established national alert system, known as a "Mason Alert," be developed for the fast-response location of wandering children or adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders ) or other disorders which can lead to wandering--such as Alzheimer's Disease and Down's Syndrome. 

The leading cause of death for autistic children are wandering-related accidents, including drowning. Since 1 in 100 children are autistic and 92% of children with ASDs wander, we need a coordinated national alert system to help quickly and safely return wandering children and adults back home unharmed.

Thank you for your time.

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