Stop Importing Endangered Reptiles for Skins

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Chairman of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry, Jean-Daniel Pasche

Water monitors are tied together and kept in plastic bags for days, until they are killed by a hammer blow to the head. However, a large number of these animals survive their severe injuries – and are skinned alive as a consequence. Snakes get an additional “water treatment” prior to flaying: A hook through the upper jaw locks them into position, and a hose is inserted that fills their bodies with water. This procedure is employed in order to stretch their bodies so straight cuts can be made before the skinning. Unequivocally, the struggling movements of the animals prove that they are alive all along.

Switzerland is the world’s largest trader in products manufactured from threatened species. Every year, the Swiss watchmaking industry alone imports more than one million leather watch bands made from the skins of endangered reptiles as a video clip aired on Swiss news broadcast “Rundschau” reveals. Stop importing endangered reptiles for their skins.

Additional Petition and Source:

Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry

Chairman Jean-Daniel Pasche

Rue d'Argent 6

CH-2502 Bienne


Tel. 41 (0)32 328 08 28

Fax 41 (0)32 328 08 80

Water monitors are tied together and kept in plastic bags for days, until they are killed by a hammer blow to the head. However, a large number of these animals survive their severe injuries – and are skinned alive as a consequence. Snakes get an additional “water treatment” prior to flaying: A hook through the upper jaw locks them into position, and a hose is inserted that fills their bodies with water. This procedure is employed in order to stretch their bodies so straight cuts can be made before the skinning. Unequivocally, the struggling movements of the animals prove that they are alive all along.

Switzerland is the world’s largest trader in products manufactured from threatened species. Every year, the Swiss watchmaking industry alone imports more than one million leather watch bands made from the skins of endangered reptiles as a video clip aired on Swiss news broadcast “Rundschau” reveals. Stop importing endangered reptiles for their skins.

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