Stop the Culling of Vampire Bats in Latin America

  • av: Victoria Salter
  • mottagare: Governments of Brazil, Peru, Mexico and Colombia

Did you know that vampire bats are real animals and that they are actually amazing animals? They live in Latin America and even parts of the USA! They are real life, living vampire animals and play important roles in their rainforest ecosystems.
There are three species of vampire bat; the common vampire bat, the hairy-legged vampire bat and the white-winged vampire bat.
Tragically, vampire bats are culled across Latin America, due to the fact that they can carry rabies and transmit the disease to humans and farmed animals. However, this isn't the bats' fault, and there are alternative, effective strategies that could be funded and utilised more in place of culling the vampire bats if the culling is stopped. There is no need to cull these bats! Even if it costs the governments of these countries more money than culling the vampire bats, the alternative strategies, which could prove more effective than the culling, should be implemented instead, for the sake of the bats, the other animals, the ecosystems and the people.
1. They are sentient beings, with subjective experiences, emotions, the capacity to feel pain, families and a desire to live.
2. I LOVE and adore vampires! Vampires are cool, gothic, beautiful, amazing, often spiritual, fascinating, intriguing, amazingly fun and misunderstood. There is a real community of human living vampires. They don't believe they are immortal, undead vampires and are very different from a lot of the vampires of fiction and are most certainly misunderstood and definitely not all evil. Vampires and goth are two of my main passions and interests.
3. These bats play an important role in the ecosystems that they are a part of. Bats are one of Earth's most important animals, alongside bees, other insects and apex predators like wolves, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars and bears. Bats help spread seeds around and pollinate plants. They contribute to nutrient cycling in their ecosystems, disease regulation in their prey, population control and also as a prey source for other species.
4. These bats could help save human lives with the draculin in their saliva. This could help save stroke patients. But! The bats SHOULD NOT be held captive and exploited for this. Instead, maybe the farmers could be paid to allow scientists to take the bat saliva from the animals they have fed on and then the scientists could use it in research in their labs to develop strategies and advancements to help human stroke patients, benefitting the humans and the bats, as the farmers could at last be happier to have the bats there, making them some money?
5. The bats could instead be used to increase interest in eco-tourism to the area through marketing eco-tourism trips to the parts that have vampire bats to vampire fans, goths, members of the vampire community and also bat lovers and nature lovers. Extremely strict policies and laws for the protection of animals, the habitats and the environment in general should be enacted to ensure the tourism is and remains as positive as possible for the environment, the habitats and the animals. Remember, take only photos, leave only footprints.
6. The bats are actually very kind, caring and loving animals. They care for their sick by feeding them blood when they can't get it for themselves. They also do mutual grooming, and they also adopt orphaned baby vampire bats. Aww.
7. The poison that is used to kill these poor bats could cause suffering before they die and could also be dangerous to other wildlife.
8. Rabies vaccines exist.
9. Other strategies to protect farmed animals would include using noise and light disturbances to humanely repel the vampire bats, the use of closed pens or structures with fine mesh netting to keep the vampire bats out and taking the animals into barns, stables or sheds at night when the vampire bats are active.
10. We should have learned of the negative impacts of human-caused loss of species, whether complete extinctions, like the dodos, Tasmanian tigers or passenger pigeons, or the loss of certain species from particular countries, such as the extinction of wolves in the UK, Iceland, France and Ireland, the extinction of wild boar, lynx and bears in the UK, and also the extinction of native species like wolves from parts of the USA. Wiping out a species, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is NEVER a good idea, morally or ecologically, no matter how much of a good thing it may seem to be at the time.
11. Culling vampire bats has proven to be ineffective and has even been shown to increase rabies. Infected vampire bats that were not killed would fly further away and infect new hosts.
The vampire bats shouldn't have to serve a purpose to humans to be protected, respected, allowed to live and treated with decency, kindness, compassion and even love; they deserve to be treated as such for the sentient beings with their own interests and value as they are.
We will not support the financial interests of the countries that cull vampire bats until the culling is stopped and banned, and the vampire bats are strictly protected by law.
Thank you.

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