Domestic animal abuse should be a felony in Pennsylvania

In the state of Pennsylvania, the abuse of an animal is only considered a felony (only in the third degree) if a person “kills, maims or disfigures any zoo animal in captivity; or administers poison to or exposes any poisonous substance with the intent to administer such poison to any zoo animal in captivity.” However, for domestic animals, abuse is nothing more than a misdemeanor, whether or not the animal is yours, with fines as low as $500.

Domestic animal abuse is rampant in the state of Pennsylvania. Through a quick Google search, I was able to find three horrific cases, all occurring only within the past week:

I am absolutely disgusted that nothing has been done by Pennsylvania legislators to put a stop to this cruelty. I am not confident that my voice alone will make a difference, but I feel that if I do nothing, that I am no better than Pennsylvania lawmakers, whose ignorance of the issue is only perpetuating this barbarity.

Animal Cruelty Laws: by state

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