True Police oversight in the Counties of Pennsylvania

What I'm petitioning for is

  1. The removal of Chief Goldberg from the Warwick Township Police Department.
  2. The investigation and ultimate removal of Officer Mary Hogan from The Warwick Township Police Department.
  3. The investigation of Judge Seaman magistrate court 07-3-02 for conduct.
  4. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to pass a law that if a township does not have a unbiased internal affairs division that the Pennsylvania State Police Internal Affairs Divison will have the jursidction to investigate any and all complaints aganist an officer.

Anyone who knows me knows I typically support my local law enforcement officers, however on 9/2/17 I was stopped in Warwick, Pennsylvania by the Warwick Township Police Department for texting while driving. The officer on scene was extremely rude and disrespectful and would not listen to reason. I had to call 911 for a supervisor to respond to the scene. Once there I showed the supervisor my text Records and he even sided with me. However I was still cited by the original "officer" on scene. I decided to plead not guilty in court and when in court I showed Records from my phone provider that proved there were no messages at the time of the alleged incident, and the supervising officer who saw my messages conveniently did not show at court. The Judge and the "officer" showed no care for innocence and found me guilty. The Judge stated there's no points so I'm just going to uphold the ticket pay it and be done with it. I did call the Chief of Police Mark Goldberg to file a formal compliant against the officer and he had a Sgt call me instead who just blindly defended this officer. I have now filed a compliant with the Warwick Township Manager. The township manager stated he has all the faith in Chief Goldberg to perform an investigation yet nothing has been done.

The officer and the judge also met in the courtroom without me before I entered and I watched that be done with no one but me.

I will say this I still support law enforcement I however do not support bad cops who give good cops a bad name and turn a blind eye to proof to get innocent people in trouble and fined because they can't admit they are wrong and are overcompensating.

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
We are progressing well please share this so we can have true oversight in the counties of Pennsylvania
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
We made some updates to the petition to show what we want to correct the issues we have all faced in the counties of PA when dealing with small town corrupt police departments
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