Keep Wolves Protected in Utah

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: U.S. Department of the Interior, Secretary Ken Salazar

Wolves were exterminated in Utah nearly a century ago, yet lawmakers are jockeying to establish rules for a "wolf hunt" and to have wolves removed from the Endangered Species List, even though there arent any in Utah, yet.

Utah has large areas suitable as wolf habitat that would not create conflict with livestock owners. Wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems and needed to restore the balance of. The Federal government already knows that; which is why they were re-introduced in the United States.

Keep protections for wolves in Utah. Making plans for a wolf hunt, (where no wolves even exist), is a clear bias for special interests groups rather than scientifically sound management and conservation.


Ken Salazar
Secretary of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W. / Washington DC 20240

Wolves were exterminated in Utah nearly a century ago, yet lawmakers are jockeying to establish rules for a "wolf hunt" and to have wolves removed from the Endangered Species List, even though there arent any in Utah, yet.

Utah has large areas suitable as wolf habitat that would not create conflict with livestock owners. Wolves are essential to healthy ecosystems and needed to restore the balance of. The Federal government already knows that; which is why they were re-introduced in the United States.

Keep protections for wolves in Utah. Making plans for a wolf hunt, (where no wolves even exist), is a clear bias for special interests groups rather than scientifically sound management and conservation.

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