Charge Luka Magnotta with Animal Abuse

While of course the heinous and tragic murder of Chinese student Lin Jun takes precedence, not charging Luka Magnotta with animal abuse makes it seem like it is okay to torture kittens online. Mr. Magnotta filmed videos of himself putting kittens in plastic bags and slowly suffocting them on low vaccuum setting to increase suffering! In another video, he duct-taped a kitten to a broom and slowly dunked it in a bathtub full of water for hours till it died in agony. He also filmed a video and posted online showing a few weeks old black kitten named Jasmine from a shelter on a bed with a Burmese python; the snake ate the poor kitten alive as it meowed in terror! Magnotta would play Christmas carols in the background and even masturbated on the suffocated kittens! His face is visbile in all of the videos. Canada is acting like they condone this behavior, and at least two of the videos were filmed there. Please send a message to the Montreal police that animal abuse and torture is not acceptable!

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