Fayette County: Act on the neglect and abuse by pressing charges against the family!

  • mottagare:  Uniontown Barracks, State Police Dept, & Fayette SPCA, Fayette County WTAE-TV Pittsburgh KDKA-TV | CBS Pittsburgh WPXI-TV Pittsburgh,

"Buddy is the name of this 4 yr old pup.  A Facebook friend of mine has watched this dog suffer for to long. She has called Uniontown Barracks, State Police, Fayette County, Animal control, Fayette SPCA of Uniontown and others trying to get this dog some help SEVERAL different times but nobody would!

This dog has been beaten by the family!  He was tied up outside ON A WIRE (no collar, or rope or leash, just a WIRE) 24/7 without food, water, shelter or shade in the rain, heat, snow, and sleet...Covered in fleas, very underweight and dehydrated. Running a temp. He was having seizers when we found him. 


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