Urge the Government to Take Action and Help the Recovery of Seagrass Beds off Western Australia

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: West Australian Premier, Colin Barnett

A recent study has found seagrass beds along Western Australia's southern coastline has been ruined by land clearing and agricultural development, according to a report on abc.net.au

The study revealed that over a 30-year period up to 80 percent of the seagrass in the Oyster Harbour area had been wiped out.

The findings are bad news for marine creatures as seagrass plays a vital role in marine environments.

Seagrass filters nutrients, provides shelter for marine life and shields coastlines from erosion. T

Data from the study revealed an increase in phosphorus deposits at the harbour that was caused algal blooms, which work to suffocate seagrass.

Researchers said the findings could be used to improve management of coastal environments and predict changes in their ecosystems.

However, the West Australian Government should aid the recovery of seagrass beds by clamping down on any major land clearing, coupled with better management of agricultural developments.

This could be done through the introduction of legislation that places covenants on developments that would generate any level of phosphorus outfall that would endanger the recovery of seagrass beds.

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