Protect Endangered Fish From Going to Unscrupulous Restaurants

You try to do the right thing. So, when you place your restaurant order, you ask for the fish. Hopefully, it's an abundant species that is sustainably harvested.

So what happens when restaurants serve endangered species, but call them something else? A lot of endangered fish end up on the dinner table because the fishermen misrepresent what they caught, and this fraud extends up the trade ladder. One California sushi restaurant recently served endangered sei whale meat as "tuna" even though the sei whale is severely endangered.

Please join me in asking the California state legislature to direct food inspectors to crack down on endangered species that have been mislabeled and impose steep fines on restaurants that knowingly serve endangered species. 

Dear California State Legislators:

I am writing today to express my concern about endangered fish. It appears that some restaurants are serving mislableled fish. That means that some endangered species are being passed off as much more abundant tuna or salmon. This is particularly horrific because people who wish to be socially and environmentally responsible often order the fish at restaurants. It should be among the most sustainable, low-impact choices. This problem begins when fishermen harvest an endangered species. Then, instead of throwing it back, they call it something else for a quick sale. Please direct the state's food inspectors to crack down on endangered species that have been mislabeled and impose steep fines on restaurants that knowingly serve endangered species. 

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