A Tennessee Couple Brutally Abused Their Children and Their Pets

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Tipton County Authorities

When local authorities responded to a child abuse allegation at a local health clinic, they could only describe the details of the case as "sickening."

The couple had intentionally broken their six-year-old child's arm and raised the other children in terrible living conditions. On top of that, they had left three three-week-old puppies in a cage in scorching heat. The poor pups were covered in feces and had no food or water. 

Sign now to tell the local authorities to get these children access to free counseling to deal with the impacts of this abuse!

This is just another tragic example of the ways that animal abuse and interpersonal violence are deeply linked. Anyone capable of treating animals this poorly is also clearly capable of abusing humans, and vise versa. We must ensure that the children who suffered from this terrible act are given protection and the resources they need to recover and heal.

Local authorities must ensure that the children who were victimized are given access to free counseling. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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