Support Pine Martens and Red Squirrels

  • av: Jay Landman
  • mottagare: Secretary Of State For Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP

Supporting the re-introduction of native species, such as pine martens, ecosystems are likely to benefit. Additionally, this could be the most effective method to prevent the extinction of the red squirrel.

'Pine martens are predators native to Britain and most of Europe. They are members of the otter, badger and weasel family (the mustelids), that are at home both on the ground and in the trees. They are, to my eye, exceptionally beautiful. They look like sinuous chestnut cats with yellow bibs. Like many predators they turn out to be essential to the survival of healthy living systems.' (The Guardian).

Please sign for the sake of saving both red squirrels and pine martens.

Thank you.

Guardian article:

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