Urge the Peruvian Government to Save the Precious Amazon Forest by Banning Palm Oil Plantations

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: Ollanta Humala, President of Peru

Two massive palm oil plantations have recently been established in Peru destroying precious primary Amazon forest, according to a report on Mongabay.com.

More than 9,400 hectares of closed-canopy Amazonian rainforest has been removed for two oil palm plantations in Peru since 2011.

Illegal logging of high-value tree species is rampant in Peru - leaving very few areas considered as primary forest, including most protected areas.

To destroy untouched primary rainforest for palm oil plantations is unthinkable - the Amazon rainforest and the animals that depend on it deserve better.

Will you join me in urging the Peruvian Government to save the precious Amazon Forest by scaling back palm oil production and banning any new plantations?

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