A place to take your dog...Doggy Area in Mudeford Wood

A place to take your dog...

Please help me create a fenced in, off-leash Doggy Area in Mudeford Wood where dogs can exercise in a clean, safe enviroment without endangering or annoying people, property, or wildlife.

Unfortunately, no off-leash dog parks currently exist in the area of Christchurch. Just as other taxpayers enjoy public parks, swimming pools, walking areas,football fields, and playgrounds; dog owners need a place to exercise and enjoy their pets in an off-leash environment.

A dog park will allow the responsible dog owner to fulfil these basic needs:

Exercised dog = happy dog

Exercised owner = happy owner

Proper outlet for dog energy

Minimize unwanted dog behaviour

Improve dog owner responsibility

Enhance and improve utilization of our field

Increase Sense of community

Lots of parks etc, are fencing off areas for children to play in, when it would be much more sensible to make the enclosed areas for dogs and their owners.

I passionately believe that creating an area for the sole use of dogs and their owners would benefit our community.

Your signature is needed, as responsible dog owners, to help make this happen. Please sign and forward on to everyone you know who owns a dog.

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

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