Ensuring the welfare of animals, which serve us as food

You know if any organization and rules to ensure that the places of raising animals for food / human consumption (traces, skirts, etc..), Meet minimum health and animal welfare?

We can not continue to tolerate the cruelty with which
pigs, cattle, chickens, etc. are treated and bred.

While the Bible itself speaks of the hierarchy God gave us over animals and earth, to have dominion over them, it doesn't say it should be done with cruel and inhuman practices (the word inhuman is used here because we, humans, who must have other attitudes towards such practices, as butchering pigs, cattle, skirts, etc..). Feeding of animals not slaughtered in a cruel way.  While it is true that local producers (and many others) do not have the financial resources to do such practices other way, does not justify cruelty.

What we can do conscious consumers, and speak for the voiceless beings? We can start by demanding good practices and punish those who do not align with them not buy from these people who are part of the production and marketing of meat, milk, eggs, etc..

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