Initiate Immediately Democratic National Convention Debates

  • av: Veronica wolski
  • mottagare: Democratic Presidential Convention 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC., 20003.

To have the best idea of what each Democratic Presidential Candidate's Platform is.

There is a huge disparity in what each candidate's message is, and through debate comes the education of each mesage, enabling the American Citizen's to be more educated voters, doing the highest service to the Polling Process.

Require the Democratic National Convention to schedule as many debates, on as many news media outlets as possible, with the election of 2016 drawing near, the US Citizens are entitled to hear the information and platforms of all Democratic contenders for the office of President of the United States.

With so much riding on this upcoming election, We the People demand to have access to the knowledge of what the candidates 'bring to the table' to be able to make the best possible choice for our Votes.

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