We challenge Mayor Bloomberg of NYC volunteer for the NYC Animal Control and Care for one day.

  • av: Laura Smith
  • mottagare: Mayor Bloomberg of NYC, USA

We the people around the world are disgusted with the lack of shelters to home the homeless dogs/cats in NYC.The number of slaughtered dogs/cats on a daily basis is unforgivable. Animals are being killed daily because they have a common cold, many are being killed the same day they are prescribed medication for their cold by the vet! They are killing healthy, treatable animals.We also would like to state that the conditions in which these animals are forced to live out their last days until they are euthanized is inhumane.They leave injured animals in pain when there are about 4-5 funds set up to take care of this! They are killed in spite of the fact that they had rescue/foster./adopter. We challenge Mayor Bloomberg to Volunteer ONE day At ACC unannounced so you can see THE TRUTH!

Please join our page https://www.facebook.com/httpmayorbloombechallenge

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