Humane Livestock Transportation

I was driving along the freeway on a rainy, windy day and came alongside a truckload of chickens. These poor, helpless creatures were all inside open wire cages stacked on top of each other being bombarded with the wind, rain, road debris and loud noise of traffic whizzing by. They were trying to huddle together for protection and out of fear, which you could see in their eyes!

I felt so sorry for them and could feel their pain and suffering. I started crying and swore I would try to do something to help them and all animals being transported so inhumanely. 

I believe that even if an animal will eventually end up as food, they should not be tortured or abused while they're still living. It's sad how terrible they can be treated and I think that people who do care about them should help put an end to the cruelty these helpless, living creatures endure.

Please sign my petition to have animals protected from the elements when they are being transported. 

Thank you all for being the change you want to see!

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