Unethical snatching of an autistic child's best friend

  • av: Caitlin Parker
  • mottagare: 3 year old shar-pei cross Staffordshire bull-terrior
Lancashire constabulary has seized 3 year old Darla, the much loved, best friend of a young autistic girl named Maddison. When Maddison has problems, Darla is there, not just for her best friend Maddison, but for her entire family, not only is she the rock of Maddisons life, but she's the support beam that can hold a family together.

I don't know the family personally. I legitimately only read about the post, but when I looked in to my dogs eyes and imagined her being taken to an 'undisclosed location'. To be euthanised and I would never even get to say goodbye, which is where darla is now. The thought reduced me to tears. Just imagine how this little girl feels, her faith in humanity questioned already at such a young age.

Darla has never shown sign of any form of aggression according to a report made by the dodo and really honestly has no reason to be euthanised other then that she 'looks like a pit-bull'. These outrages claims came upon a young dog named hank not to long ago and it took 300,000 signatures on a petition to save him. Please don't let darla loose the same fight!
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