Prison Time for Maisie the Dog's Owner

  • av: Carol Abarbanell
  • mottagare: Circuit Judge Amy Hawthorne, Charlotte County Justice Center, Punta Gorda, Florida

This story was reported in the Englewood Sun of Englewood, Florida, on Saturday, 21 September 2013 (

Here's how the story goes...

Thomas Hoeckel of Englewood, Florida, got mad at his wife one day, and to show her just how mad he was, took one of the family dogs, Maisie, a 4-1/2 year old Jack Russell terrier mix, put on her harness, then her leash, tied that to a half a concrete block, and tossed her -- alive -- into the Gulf of Mexico.  Maisie's body washed ashore several days later.  Ronelle Moore, the Charlotte County Animal Control Officer investigating the case, described the incident as "graphic" and "one of the worst we have had." 

Mr. Hoeckel was arrested on felony charges of causing cruel death to an animal -- a felony -- and faces prison time if convicted.  However, Ms. Moore, the Animal Control Office in charge of the case, admitted that such penalties are rarely imposed.

Mr. Hoeckel will be arraigned on October 28th at the Charlotte County Justice Center before 20th Circuit Judge Amy Hawthorne.  Please urge Judge Hawthorne to take this case seriously, and if Mr. Hoeckel is convicted, to impose the harshest punishment permitted by law for this heinous crime. 



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