Stop cruel Raccoon hunt to benefit ST. JUDE HOSPITAL!

The united kennel club in Decatur County, Tennessee is having a raccoon hunt as a fund raiser for St. Jude Hospital and is sponsored by Purina! This is a cruel and inhumane way to treat animals. Using them for targets to benefit this hospital. They should be ashamed. With so many other ways to fund raise, and they do, why resort to such horrible torture to these innocent wildlife just to benefit them It's blood money! I'm asking those of you who donate to St. Jude not too until this is stopped! The kennel club will release dogs on these animals and they will be ripped apart! Is this the way we fund raise now? What a terrible message for our children to see and hear. Stop this now before it's allowed to happen. It's been going on for years! Tell everyone you know not to support ST.JUDE! Dates for this are April 9-14. Five days of senseless murdering of animals! Help us get to 5000 signatures. There's not much time!

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
We haven't even made a dent in the signatures needed. PLEASE those who have signed share this with more and more people on Face book, twitter and other social media pages. We can't have people using animals as objects to collect money and then be rewarded on top of it for what they kill! Time is running out. Dates for this are April9-14. Also send a message to PURINA, the sponsors of this. Thank you all for your help.

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