Stop Animal Cruelty in All Australian Pounds NOW !!!

  • av: Amie Finn
  • mottagare: The Australian Government and Local Councils
I am starting this petition to ask you , Australians , to fight for live feed security cameras that feed to an outside source ( not the pounds they are in ) to be installed in EVERY AUSTRALIAN POUND ! Too often of late we have heard of more animal cruelty then ever before , but that is just because more people have opened up and put their hands up to say "this has to change". Let's face it , it isn't changing at all , animals are still being treated with cruelty on a daily basis ! If we put in these cameras someone else will be watching their every move ! Recording so that they CANNOT deny their actions when they act cruelly , and acting as an extremely strong deterrent from committing the acts of cruelty in the first Place ! Show the government that this is a base requirement of every pound in the eyes of the Australian people ! Sign ! Share ! Let's stop this cruelty and negligence in its tracks !
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