Stop petland from buying from puppy mills!

  • av: Emilia Kozielec
  • mottagare: Joe Watson, Ceo of Petland; Brian Winslow, Director of Animal Welfare PETLAND; Elizabeth Kunzelma,Director of Public Relations

Petland has been buying dogs from puppy mills for years now and puppy mills torture animals! Petland supports puppy mills, please help me stop a large chain Pet store from buying from puppy mills. If we stop Petland then we will close down hundreds orthousands of puppy mills. We demand that petland buy from rescues or not sell puppies at all.

"A 2009 exposé has traced the shipping records for more than 15,000 puppies to Petland stores, proving once again that America's largest chain of puppy-selling pet stores, Petland Inc., is also the nation's largest retail supporter of puppy mills." Link to the website where I got this information.

We demand that you buy from rescues and shelters!

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